Saturday, 1 December 2012

The Selection Of Call Warrant
There are roughly 200 to 250 warrant counters available in Bursa Malaysia whilst call warrant roughly comprised of 50% out of it. Why call warrant instead of all warrant counters that trader can choose from either to trade or to invest for short to mid term gain? The answer is RISK!

Call warrant (denoted by ending alphabet such as CA, CB, C1, C2 etc.) mostly are derivatives deride from Bursa most reputatable and financially steady heavyweight blue chip underlying shares such as Maybank, Public Bank, Genting Family, Astro, Bjtoto, Airasia, Sime Darby, IOIcorp, Maxis and so on and issued by market maker/issuer/Investment Bank such as CIMB, Kenanga and OSK.

Company warrant/Right (denoted by ending alphabet such as WA, WB, LA, LB etc.) are derivatives issue by the listed company itself for the purpose of raising additional funds and so forth. This kind of warrant are more on the high risk cause it can be issued by any listed company in Bursa Malaysia, be it heavyweight like Sime Darby(Steady company rarely issue warrant by itself) or those secondliner like LCL Corporation Berhad or even PN17 counter like MEMS. Typical company warrant are Iris-PA, Mulpha-WA, Gpacket-WA and much more. This kind of company warrant is a time bomb for warrant holder as most company warrant are issue by those smaller size and financially less credible listed company and most probably manage by some unscrupulous group of directors/family members . We may not know when the company may default in payment or go bankrupt in near future like what happen to LCL. Therefore try to avoid company warrant except certain counter such as Bjcorp-LC.

There are bunch of call warrant in the market nevertheless, how to shortlist those that potentially more rewarding rather than risk? One should understand how warrant function, warrant price tend to go up when the underlying share price go up and vice versa and the correlation percentage can be vary greatly. Warrant premium tend to decrease gradually over time regardless mother go up or down. For mother that appreciate substantially over short period of time, the children tend to get close to zero premium level e.g. ammb-cc and genting-co (american style) and pbbank-cj(european style) and this category of warrant are the perfect proxy for the underlying shares and poise to show virtually 100% of correlation with respect to mother share price movement.

So shall i conclude that lowest premium is the best candidate for player to go in? the answer is quite subjective. Few factors are worth to consider to determine the risk/reward factor. 1. The lowest the premium the best (e.g. pbbank-cj) 2. The lowest the conversion ratio the best(e.g. Maybank-cj). 3. The lowest the bid spread the best(e.g. ammb-cg) 4. The lowest the warrant price the best(e.g. bjtoto-cd and astro-cc). 5. The highest volatility of the underlying share price the best(e.g. genting-co and hsi-c7). 6. The highest warrant buy/sell queue quantity(liquidity) the best(e.g. maybank-cl). 7. The longest the maturity/expiry date the best (e.g. brkb-c1). Please bear in mind that the most sought after criteria and deem to be most important factor; the maturity date of the warrant; actually is "not that important" if we target call warrant as short to mid term trading(e.g. few days to a week trading), the question enlighten the quest, who want to buy those call warrant that going to expire say in two weeks time but with 15% premium? The chances to get burn with virtually out of money upon expiry date is so tremendous.

There's no absolute perfect selection methods for player to choose which warrant counter they should go in. It all depends on their risk appetite, capital employed, trading style, trading size and their brokerage fees structure but they should stick to above 7 main critical factors so to enhance reward and minimize risk. Even zero premium children but with different exercise price days before expire might tend to have totally different outcome upon expiry, one might out of money while the other greatly in the money. For those that need specific advice, do feel free to contact me and i am glad to share with them how to trade smartly and profit from the call warrant trading handsomely and consistently.

The Trading of Call Warrant
The selection of call warrant is very subjective and just the first step toward identifying potential money making call warrant for the player to jump in market. Nevertheless, market condition change drastically over time whereas it's not surpirse player change and swap his/her buying position to selling position and otherwise even within seconds. When this happen, it's not the fundamental or technical chart that help, it's the player basic instinct and senses that comprise of all of his/her available knowledge and judgment at that particular moment that matter, it's all happen up to miliseconds and the outcome of profits or losses could be determined and reversed.

Player must always put risk at their first priority over profits and never hesitate to exit their position at all cost regardless profits or losses. Hence, the ourcome of going in and out of market should be quite frequent which elevate the transaction cost and therefore the first utmost important task that player should and must do is to locate the best brokerage that can offer better brokerage while providing the best platform and system for trader to trade. There are few way to reap profits from call warrant trading 1. Scalping like Bjtoto-cd or igb-ca 2. Momentum blend with range trading like genting-co and astro-cc.
In warrant trading, it's not advisable to average down the buying price but it's advisable to average up the buying price blend with intermittent profit taking and scalping technique. The result for average down could be disastrous and cost player his entire capital vanishes in days. But the average up buying strategy might also erase player gain or turn the profits to losses yet the senses of market/counter direction is vital. But such average up buying strategy can turn profits into jackpot shall everything work fine especially in obviously bullish market. Of course there could be compromise in between, just cut lost when market turn against us or buy and hold and let the profits run shall the mother showing steady price appreciation without significant pull back in place. Again, it all rest with how the player cope and take advantage of the changing market condition fast and decisively.

The market will not be forever up or forever down, greed and fear need to be balance wisely. There's no such thing player want absolute safety yet demand huge reward, as the saying goes the higher the risk the higher the return. Try to pay attention to the basic chart of support and resistant and moving average plus the general market sense of how market fetch will do as this represent the player psychological mindset whether they will exit or go in market, to buy or to sell.
Ever Changing Selection and Trading Strategy

Please bear in mind that in warrant trading there are consider 3 counter parties involved 1. you vs. banker (e.g. ammb-cc) 2. you vs. other players vs. banker (genting-co, affin-ca). Warrant trading is dffer from normal counter trading whereas player got adequate information exhibit from the mother share price and volume movement and the readily available buy and sell quantity place by the market maker in the warrant counter. This is player advantage over banker. The disadvantage is the bids spread, time decay and premium deterioration over time and without dividend payment. But all this can be sorted out "amicably" in the selection process.

Very important factor for all trader to consider is that, we can't forever stick to and loyal to certain warrant counter such as maybank-cj, ammb-cc, pbbank-cj, sime-cf, hsi-c7 and gen-cn. This is the group of warrant with the lowest premium in town but most likely trader will lost and trap if they go in at the wrong time. Market maker are very sensitive in market making this group of warrant whereas sometimes they even resort to putting wide spread to the warrant bid/ask price and put the warrant price gap down from time to time regardless underlying share price performance if happen they lost too much money in market making. It's for the player to readjust their selection and trading strategy once this happen.
In bull market, player are more likely able to conduct daytrade or even hour trade for low premium and big cap warrant like above, but in times market are dull, player need to go for those lowest price children with reasonable premium and tight bid spread such as bjtoto-cc, bjtoto-cd, airasia-cf, igb-ca, astro-cc and so on. This low price group of children we may need to hold on to it for days or even week and therefore the whole trading stragety is revised and modify.

For a good warrant trader, he she may not profit at all time and most probably just making marginally profit due to higher turnover cost from the first in first out trading practices. Nevertheless, all he she want is the sound scenario that they catch the right mother on the right time and at the right price where the mother have just started to show the right momentum of going upsurge for days to come. Once such good opportunity (happen few times monthly and depends one can spot and catch it) may even rewards the traders with profits range from 10% to even 50% of trader "paid up capital". Overall, a good warrant trader should generate roughly 5% to 40% monthly profits out of his/her capital pump in to trading account. E.g. for every Rm10000, one might expect to make RM500 to RM4000 a month.


Saturday, 24 November 2012

How to Become a Trader

Usually people underestimate the amount of work that is necessary to learn how to trade stocks for a living. They seem to think stock trading can be learned in a few simple lessons. After all, isn’t it only a matter of learning how to "buy low" and "sell high," or invest in "story" stocks? The attitudes expressed and the questions asked by would-be trainees seem to suggest that people are looking for an ad that reads, "Learn how to use Bollinger bands, candlestick analysis, fibonacci retracements and the MACD by glancing over our 8-page easy to read pamphlet.."
We are not talking about being an investor or trader who wishes to enhance his or her income or develop a retirement nest egg.  Neither are we talking about a person who usually makes more than he loses in the stock market.  We are talking about generating a large and fairly dependable cash flow from which the investor can withdraw money on a regular basis to meet all daily living expenses, and which is the only source of money to meet those expenses.  To achieve this in the stock market, a person must be more consistently profitable, disciplined, and sophisticated as a trader than the average trader.  Some people, "naturals," can achieve this level of expertise much more quickly than the average successful trader.  However, the vast majority of people in the market are not "naturals."
Often, they believe that with a few simple lessons and after a few months, they will achieve a consistently high level of trading profitability in the stock market. The reality is that if they are lucky, they will lose money at first. Losing teaches some of the most important lessons a trader can learn. Making winning trades early can teach a trader some of the worst lessons, lessons that will have to be unlearned later. Most people will lose money at first. It may take a few years before the beginning trader can be relatively consistent at making more than he loses. Learning how to trade consistently well takes time.  In fact, most of the best traders never stop developing their skills.

The market has many very bright traders. They are people with whom you will have to compete. These are the "sheep-shearers." There are many more people in the market who lack knowledge and discipline. They are the "sheep." You can belong to either group. It is really up to you, and whether or not you can learn to control your emotions and inner conflicts before you run out of money.

There is enough happening in the market and enough variation in trading skill, that anybody who can strictly adhere to a good discipline can make money. It takes four years to get a BA, and three more years to get a law degree. Many professions require at least 3 or 4 years of work beyond the basic college degree to even qualify for a job, let alone become proficient in the chosen profession. Trading proficiency also takes time and work to develop. Some apparently believe that making money in the market is just a matter of finding a few good stocks. "Buy low, sell high…it’s easy money!" Buying low and selling high is certainly a fine goal. The key is to find an effective way of doing it in real time (as opposed to picking out highs and lows on a chart by hindsight). Bear in mind that the stock market is the ultimate competitive marketplace. Think about it. When an individual buys a stock, he is betting that he is making a smarter move than the person or institution selling it. For every buyer, there is somebody or, in some cases, something (a computer using sophisticated algorithms or artificial intelligence), on the other side of the trade.

The most important factor in good trading is discipline. Rather than intelligence, it is emotion that gets in the way of success. We all have emotions. A trader of average intelligence who uses a strict discipline and always keeps his emotions in check will easily outperform an undisciplined genius. The greatest enemy you will have in your effort to be a good trader is yourself.

For example, it is natural for untrained investors to gravitate toward "story" stocks because the "story" tends to provide an aura of rationality and competence to a decision based on inadequate information and hope. The "story" helps such investors believe that their actions are intelligent and wise.  We all want to feel we are competent in handling our own money. The excitement and "adrenaline rush" that often accompanies this kind of investing is a great motivator that tends to keep the investor’s hopes up and his attempts at "making it big" an on-going endeavor. The problem is that the aura of excitement regarding the prospects of the company clouds judgment and destroys discipline. Clear sell signals are ignored because the individual "believes" in the company and its future.

The "surface" of the investment world looks deceptively simple. What could be simpler than buying a good stock? There are thousands of "good" companies in which one could invest. However, there is a good time and a bad time to own even the best company. A stock is not necessarily good to own because it is the stock of a good company. "When" the stock is purchased and at "what price" are critical issues. Traders have an assortment of analytical tools available that most people have never even heard about, let alone understand.

The point here is not to frighten you away from the market, but to give you a reality check. Do not simply throw your money at the market. Study the investment landscape by reading a few books first. When you think you are ready to invest real money, use a very small portion of what you have and diversify that amount by putting no more than a tenth into each position. Do this for awhile and learn your hard lessons by putting only a small amount of money at risk. Otherwise, you are likely to lose most of your money quickly. If you want a quick and easy way to make money, forget about the market. If you are willing to lose money and suffer some ego-punishment while learning how to trade, you might have what it takes to gain professional-level proficiency as a trader.

You must learn to disect your trades.  After you close a position, you must spend time studying your buy and sell points and your timing.  You must look for your mistakes and things you overlooked, and then actually apply what you learn from your mistakes.  You will learn from your experience faster if you keep a diary of your trades. This process takes time and diligence, but it can really help a person learn from his or her mistakes.  Even if you do these things, there is no guarantee that you will actually become wealthy through your trading.  Think of it as training for a new job.

 These comments might be a little discouraging to some readers, but keep in mind the context of these comments.  We are talking about generating a large and fairly dependable cash flow from which the investor can withdraw money on a regular basis to meet all daily living expenses, and which is the only source of money to meet those expenses.  Our concern is that there are too many people who think that making a living off their trading would be a snap.   They take far too much risk before they really know what they are doing.  They barely get started, get pounded by the market a few times, and then quit.  Or, if they don't quit, they lose all of their money.  Of course it is possible to make a living by trading stocks, but don't expect to be one of those who do if you are just a dabbler.  It takes work and persistence.  It also requires that you respect the risks of the market and the ability of those with whom you will compete.  Before entering a trade, you must learn to always ask yourself the following question.  "What could go wrong?"  You must also prepare a plan of action in case it happens, because it often will.  When it does, you will not have time to think about it.  You will have to act quickly.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

50 ways to increase your website traffic

1. Forum Posting:
Forum posting is another effective way for link building. Forum is a place where you’ll find a large community. You need to be an active member of forum. You can get visitors to your site through your signature posted to forum. 
2. Social Bookmarking:
At the present world there are lots of people who search social bookmarking various information in. They spend a greater part of their time in social bookmarking sites. So you can consider it as a great chance to getting visitors to your site. All you need to bookmark your new post to this site.

3. Article Submission:
You can submit article to different article directories. It will help you to get lot of visitors. Here we can share our personal experience. We have gotten a lot of visitors through submitting articles to

4. Manual Blog Comments:
Blog comment is very important part of SEO. Comments to different blogs and put your site link is one of the best ways of link building. You can post your link through anchor text. It will help you to get high PR fast for your site.

5. Directory Submission:
You’ll find a lot of directories on the net where you can submit your website link. This is not the best way of link building but very effective too. So you can apply this way for your site. Here you’ll get huge list of directory submission list

6. Press Releases:
Press Release is a great way of link building. There are two types of press release. First one is paid and the second is free press release. Normally we do free press release. There are so many sites who allow you to post your website link. Moreover if it gets interested about your site, it provides your link other sites too. So you’ll be able to generate a lot of traffic. You can get a list of free press release distribution sites for backlinks

7. Questions and Answer sites:
It is another great way for link building. Here all you need to answer any question or ask any questions. If you can answer any questions, you can post a link of your site. By following the way you can generate lot of traffics for your site. Here you’ll get 5 High PR Questions and Answers Sites.

8. RSS Submission: You can submit the RSS feed of your site to different RSS submission directories. Normally in wordpress blog, you will find the RSS feed of your site in the upper right corner of your site. Here you’ll get a list of RSS Submission Directories.

9. Homepage Backlinks:
Hompage Backlinks sharing is another effective way of link building to generate traffic. All you need to share your Homepage backlinks to different sites. It will help you to get lot of visitors to your site. To generate traffic to your site you can apply this method.

10. Web 2.0 Sites:
You can share your link to different web 2.0 sites. Certainly it works fine for link building. You can get a large number of visitors through sharing your link to web 2.0 sites. Certainly it will help you to generate traffic to your site.

11. Facebook Pages:
At the present world people are addicted to facebook. So you’ll get a large community here. You can get a lot of visitors through creating facebook pages. Certainly you’ll be able to generate lot of traffic to your site. This is a great way of link building. Certainly this is a great link building method.

12. Youtube Video Sharing:
Youtube is a store house of videos. You can make a video and share that to youtube. It is great way of linkbuilding. Not only youtube but also you can share your videos to other video sharing sites. You’ll be able to generate a lot of traffic to your site through video sharing. Here you’ll get a huge collection of video sharing sites.

13. LinkedIn: You can get traffic to your site by sharing a linkedin profile in your site. This is another great portal of social networking sites. So you will get backlinks from here. This is a great way of creating backlinks to your site.

14. Flickr: You can share your links to flickr. Certainly you’ll be able to generate lot of traffics to your site. It is great way of linkbuilding. So all you need to share your links to flickr to get a lot of visitors to your site.

15. Offer free email: Free email is another way of creating backlinks to your site. It is true that it is not a great idea of creating backlinks for your site. But you’ll be able to find some certain customers in by doing this type of jobs.

16. Guest Posts: Guest post is the way where both the blogs owner and the writer get benefited. If you write as a guest writer you will get backlinks for your site. On the other hand bloggers get benefited by getting a free post.

17. Newspaper: Newspaper is another effective way for link building. Sometimes we can’t realize the importance of newspapers for linkbuilding. You can offer the authority of any newspaper to write something which you can write properlyl. By following the way you’ll be able to generate traffic to your site. It is one of the best link building methods.

18. Link Exchanges: Link exchange is another way you can follow. It is true that you’ll not get a lot of backlinks from here. But as you know it has a great importance in terms of SEO. If you do this job, you’ll be able to fulfill your purpose.

19. Image Link: By adding a link with any image you can create backlink for your site. All you need to find out those images which have a great demand. If the visitors click on the image they will redirect them to your site. Certainly it is great way for link building.

20. Shorten URL: You can shorten your website link. You can do this job with the help of or others sites. If you shorten your link, you’ll be able to attract the attention of visitors. It will be helpful for you. It may help you to generate traffict to your site.

21. Videos Indexed: You can add a link while submitting a video. You can give a little description below the video. All you need to add the link of your site into the description. Certainly it is great way of link building.

22. MySpace: You can use myspace for link building. You’ll not get a lot of backlinks from here. Since the popularity of myspace is not in similar position like before. Still you’ll be benefited by sharing your link to myspace.

23. Twitter: Now it is a trend of social networking sites. Lots of people spend a larger portion of time for twitter. So you can get a lot of visitors for your site from here. Certainly this is a great way for link building.

24. Others Facebook Pages: You can get lot of visitors through posting comments to other facebook pages. It is great way of link building. So you can apply this method to generate traffics.

25. Free ebook: You can write free ebook and submit those to different ebook directories. All you need to add a link to your site in this ebook. Certainly it will help you to generate lot of traffics to your site.

26. Newsletter: If you are linked to any club or social community you can do this job. All you need to write to any blogs run by the member of your club or community. Surely it is great way of link building.

27. Magazine: It is another great way of creating backlinks to your site. All you need to write about any topics to a popular magazine. It will help you to get backlinks to your site. So you can apply this method for link building.

28. Current times Article: You need to write articles which have a great demand. If you write article on demand of the people based on any hot topics and submit to article directories, you’ll get a lot of visitors. So you’ll be able to generate traffic to your site.

29. New Content: You need to add new content to your site regularly. If you do so search engine crawlbar values your site highly and you’ll get good position in search engine fast. So try to post regularly.

30. Youtube Comments: It is another great way of link building. So you can comment to different youtube videos. By doing this task you can add link to your site with the comments. It will be helpful for you to generate traffic.

31. Affiliates: You can arrange an affiliate program to your website. By this way you can attract the attention of the people. Normally you can think it is the way of spending money. But we would say your money will be spent for selling products. You can do link building jobs by doing this task.

32. Photo Sharing: You can get backlinks by sharing photos. All you need to add your link with the images. If you follow the way you’ll get a lot of visitors to your site. You can apply this method to generate traffic to your site. Really it is a cool link building method.

33. Discussion Group: You can create a discussion group to your site. By doing this job you can attract the attention of the visitors. You’ll get some unique visitors by following the way. Certainly it will work a lot for you.

34. Create Quiz Contest: To generate more traffic to your site you can arrange a quiz contest. This is good way of link building. By following the way you’ll be able to generate traffic to your site.

35. List related Post: Very often we are looking for list of anything. The benefit of list is to get everything in a single page. People like this type of post. So you can do link building job by following the way.

36. Run Event: You can run an event to get visitors. Visitors feel attraction to visit your site and discuss about your site if you run an event. All you need to choose popular topics. This is a great way of link building.

37. Online Storage Site: You can do this job if you have available server space. Your work will be the same of Microsoft’s office live drive. People can store their necessary things in your site. It will make your site popular. So you can do this job to generate traffic.

38. Free Music: You can offer free music to your site. It will increase the popularity of your site. You’ll get some unique visitors if you do this task. Certainly it is an effective way of generating traffic.

39. Link through Comics: To bring a variation to your site you can create some comics. All you need to add the link to your site with the comics. It will work for sure. You’ll be able to generate traffic to your site.

40. Free Offer: To generate traffic to your site you can offer something free. By following the way you’ll be able to attract the attention of the people. If you work according to this way, you’ll be benefited.

41. Forum Blogs: You may have heard about forum blog. Some forums include blogs. So you can create backlinks to your site from here. It is an effective of link building. You can do this job to generate traffic to your site.

42. Slideshow: You can make a slideshow with some attractive images. All you need to add your link inside the slideshow. By following the way you can create backlinks for your site.

43. Register to all search engines: You can register to all search engines. It will help you to generate traffic to your site through backlinks. So you can perform this job to get more visitors. It is a great way of backlinks.

44. Writing Review to Amazan: Publish a book and write a review to about this book. All you need to add a link into the review. By following the way you can generate lot of visitors to your site.

45. Popular blog networks: Here you can offer to any major blog networks to write. If you can do this job you’ll find the option of creating backlinks to your site. Surely this is a good way of linkbuilding.

46. Elance: Normally you can’t add a link to elance. But if you write about topics available there, you’ll be allowed to post a link. By following the way you can do the link building jobs.

47. Photo Sharing Sites: You can share photos to different photo sharing sites. All you need to add link inside the image. It is effective way of creating backlinks. Moreover it is nice way of link building.

48. Comment on hot events: To generate lot of traffic to your site you need to comment on different blogs about the current topics. You can add your site link with the comment. You can follow the way to generate lot of traffic.

49. Arrange Online Mystery Contest: You can create online mystery contest. Through this way you can attract the attention of visitors. Certainly it is great way of link building. You can generate visitors to your site.

50. Portal: You can try to get your content listed to different portal sites. Some portal sites are Yahoo, MSN and others. You can get backlink from these sites. This is a great way of link building and by doing this you can generate traffic to your site.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


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Friday, 14 September 2012

A brief lesson in reverse psychology.

  • When a person laughs too much, even on stupid things, that person is sad deep inside

  • When a person sleeps a lot, that person is lonely

  • When a person talks less and if he talks fast, that person is keeping a secret

  • When a person can’t cry, that person is weak

  • When a person eats in an abnormal way, that person is in tension

  • When a person cries on little things, that person is softhearted

  • When someone asks about you although that someone is busy, he/she really loves you